“Ditto”: Copying Categorizations between Documents

Monday, July 16, 2012 by Thought Leadership Team

Whittling down a data set in document review can be an overwhelming task, and anything that speeds up that process is worth storing in your tool belt. In the Ontrack Inview and Verve Review platforms the “Ditto” function is a viable option for expediting first-pass review.

The Ditto function allows reviewers to copy and apply review decisions from the previously viewed document to the “target” document, overwriting or removing existing review categories on that document. Here are two basic examples of the Ditto function in action:

  "Source" Document A "Target " Document B "Target" Document AFTER Using Ditto Function
Example #1 Document A is categorized as "responsive" Document B has no categorizations Document B is categorized as "responsive"
Example #2 Document A is categorized as "responsive" Document B is currently categorized as "non-responsive" "Non-responsive" category is replaced; Document B is categorized as "responsive"

Based on system permissions in Ontrack Inview and Verve Review, the visibility of existing document categories may be restricted to certain reviewers. The Ditto function maintains category security by disabling its use when it would mean overwriting a hidden category. Additionally, privilege comments and administrator categories are never copied. Here are two more detailed examples of the Ditto function in action:

  "Source" Document A "Target " Document B "Target" Document AFTER Using Ditto Function
Example #3 Document A is categorized as "privileged" but also has a review category of "confidential" that is hidden to the reviewer Document B has no categorizations Document B is categorized as "privileged," but not "confidential" because of category security
Example #4 Document A is categorized as "privileged" but also has a review category of "confidential" that is hidden to the reviewer Document B is currently categorized as "non-responsive" "Non-responsive" category is replaced with "privileged," but not "confidential" because of category security

The Ditto function warrants consideration in your next review to reduce the number of clicks between documents, which can significantly speed up review. For more information on the Ditto function, see the Ontrack Inview and Verve Review help documentation or contact your Kroll Ontrack Case Manager at 1-800-347-6105.