A smart investment. eDiscovery technology pays off for financial services firms.
Growing document volumes. New archiving obligations. Specialised data types. Technology is provoking some of the biggest challenges in the banking and finance industry. When responding to litigation and regulatory requests, eDiscovery innovations provide the global financial community with new levels of efficiency and sophistication.
Bloomberg Chat
Data contained in Bloomberg chat can provide critical details in financial legal matters. Yet, accessing and reviewing this data is challenging. With our parsing and viewing technology customised for Bloomberg data, you can easily review conversations alongside your other documents.
Audio & Video Files
Financial institutions routinely capture audio data in their call centres. Our proprietary A/V Suite helps legal teams visualise audio files during review, giving them total playback control and the ability to easily redact when necessary.
Securing all of your confidence.
Our state-of-the-art data centres, which are ISO/IEC 27001-certified, deliver the most extensive, resilient, controllable and secure facilities for collecting and processing data.
Experts in every time zone.
A “follow-the-sun” model to ensure you have around the clock collection, processing and review capabilities wherever your data is located.
Joint defendants, one database.
Banking and financial co-defendants can load all discovery documents into one review database, securing document sets so each group only has access to its own data.
Experienced management, skilled reviewers, modern facilities.
Financial services firms benefit from optimised and streamlined document review.
Collaborating with banks, financial institutions and their outside counsel, our document review professionals work as an extension of your legal team to review efficiently, protect privilege thoroughly and meet deadlines accurately.