
Kroll Ontrack expands local ediscovery capabilities in the Netherlands

MINNEAPOLIS – October 22, 2015 – Kroll Ontrack has responded to growing demand from Dutch law firms and companies for local support in international investigations and other legal matters faced by companies in the Netherlands by offering ediscovery services locally in the Netherlands. The company has provided data recovery services in the Netherlands for 8 years and ediscovery services remotely for 10 years and is now establishing a local team of ediscovery experts in Amsterdam. In addition to expanding its operation, Kroll Ontrack is also moving to new premises which are opening in November 2015 in South Amsterdam, located conveniently close to the heart of the Dutch legal and business district.

As well as responding to international investigations, Dutch companies need to be aware that they may be subject to dawn raids by local authorities looking into matters such as unfair competition practices or computer misuse. The Dutch authorities including the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) are increasingly active and carry out a growing number of strategic dawn raids on businesses to check on regulatory compliance. Kroll Ontrack’s local ediscovery team in the Netherlands will work alongside Dutch companies and law firms responding to regulatory scrutiny and those handling both domestic and international litigation.

Law firms in the Netherlands are increasingly familiar with the benefits of ediscovery, especially where they are dealing with U.S. and U.K.-led litigation, regulatory investigations and other multi-jurisdictional matters. Kroll Ontrack believes that use of ediscovery technology will become commonplace and that there will be widespread adoption of the latest developments such as predictive coding technology, which automates the document review process and significantly reduces the cost of responding to requests for information. This adoption of ediscovery technology can also extend into proactive initiatives whereby companies undertake audits of their systems to check for any wrongdoing.

Tim Phillips, Managing Director of Kroll Ontrack International Legal Technologies, said: “The new office in Amsterdam will house a larger, Dutch-speaking team of ediscovery and forensics professionals, giving our clients in the Netherlands access to the expertise they need in litigation and investigations on their doorstep. We are committed to building a long-term business that will employ local experts but that will be backed by the resources of the international leader in ediscovery technologies.”

Tina Shah, Legal Consultant, Kroll Ontrack International Legal Technologies added: “It’s much easier for clients to call us in to help with regulatory or legal enquiries when we are just a few doors down the road rather than in a remote location. The flight to leniency in competition matters means that time is often of the essence when investigations or dawn raids take place, so it pays to have an ediscovery partner that is already nearby and able to quickly come to your assistance. Additionally, clients will benefit from our world class data centers in London, Paris, Frankfurt and Tokyo as well as our valuable document review service.”

Specific advantages of the new Dutch office include:

  • Access to a global ediscovery partner via a local Dutch team on the ground
  • Access to dedicated European data centers for data processing
  • Fast response to ediscovery requirements related to internal investigations and dawn raids
  • Experienced computer forensic collection capabilities

The launch of an expanded service at a new location in the Netherlands is part of Kroll Ontrack’s strategy to provide access to its powerful ediscovery software and local expertise wherever and whenever clients need them. As well as opening its German data center in Frankfurt in May 2014, Kroll Ontrack launched its French data center in Paris earlier in 2015 along with its highly successful and fast-growing document review center in London’s legal district in January 2015.

For more information on Kroll Ontrack and its ediscovery products and services, visit www.ediscovery.com  


ケーエル・ディスカバリ(KLDiscovery)は、 法律事務所、企業、 政府機関、 消費者が複雑なデータ問題を解決・支援するために、テクノロジー関連のサービスとソフトウェアを提供しております。 17カ国26所にオフィスを構え、 訴訟、 コンプライアンス、 内部調査、 データ復旧、 およびクライアントの皆様のニーズを支援するために、 クラス最高の電子情報開示(eDiscovery)、情報ガバナンス、 データ復旧ソリューションをご提供させていただくグローバルカンパニーです。 当社は, 30年以上にわたってクライアントの皆様にサービスを提供しており、 データ収集とコンピューターフォレンジックを駆使した調査、 アーリーケース評価、電子情報開示(eDiscovery)とデータ処理、 Webベースの文書レビューのためのアプリケーションソフトウェアとデータホスティング、および管理ドキュメントレビューサービスを提供しています。 さらに、 ケーエル・ディスカバリ(KLDiscovery)は, グローバルなオントラックデータリカバリ(Ontrack Data Recovery)ビジネスを通じて、 世界最高水準のデータリカバリ、電子メール抽出・復元、 データ破壊、テープ管理も提供しています。ケーエル・ディスカバリ(KLDiscovery)は, 北米で最も急成長を遂げている企業の1つとしてMagazine(Inc.5000)およびDeloitte(Deloitte's Technology Fast500) 認識されています。Chief Executive Officer, クリス・ワイラーは、2014年Ernst&Young Entrepreneur of the Year™として認められました。 さらにケーエル・ディスカバリ(KLDiscovery)は, レラティビティの認定済みパートナーでるだけでなく、ISO/IEC27001認証のデータセンターを世界各国に保持しています。 詳しくは, www.kldiscovery.com/jp.


Dawn Wilson


Taketo Sakuma
81 (0) 3 6632 6250